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Our Background

Geert Van Gijseghem

From a legal background and having been a partner of a lawfirm for over 20 years, I have always been particularly interested in the commercial and management aspects within companies.


I assisted internationally acquisitions, negotiated and closed deals for my clients.


I instructed in Europe and USA leadership courses, communications and people management courses.


In 2014 I took the step to the corporate world as Managing Partner for a group working in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic sector and I am responsible for Regulatory, Quality, HR, Legal, IP and risk management.


I lead and organized various international events.


I committed myself to promote our sector by being administrator in our professional Trade Association ( Be-Sup), responsible for RA & Communication.



University of Brussels ( VUB )

1992: Master of Law


University of Antwerp ( UA)

1996-97 Master after Master Business Law



2020: HR Management


London School of Business and Finances

2021: Executive mini MBA


Vlerick Business School

2022: Digital  Transformation


Certified Auditor Quality for HACCP, BRC, IFS, FSSC, ISO

Other passions

Wine, Vinologist ( Stella Maris Antwerp )

Photography ( Academy Antwerp )

Harley Davidson-rider

Golf, member of Rinkven Golf Club, Captain of Rinkven Business Club


Work experience

Lawyer at the Bar of Antwerp,1992-2014

Specialised in Business Law, M&A, Internaional trading, insolvency


Trustee/liquidator bankruptcy at the Business Court of Antwerp, 1999-2014


Managing Partner  RXW Group NV/Eytelia/Sil'innov, 2014-..

Companies specialized in the production and development of Silicium for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic sector.


Instructor Leadership & People Management

( Europe and USA ), 2000-2011

Harley Davidson Owners Group



Administrator in Be-Sup 2017-..

Belgian trade association representing the food supplements sector


Consultant at GeJaconsult, 2014-..

Legal counsel, RA Pharmacy, Leadership, communication, Management, HR, Quality Management


Keynote speaker/guide/inspiratot/motivator on leadership, communication, people managent, 2000 - ...


Organizer networking events, tours,...



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